LCD Menu Sample 1

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This sample demonstrates the basic functions of the menu. It also uses the software timer library, but that's not necessary for the menu.

Menu structure

Menu structure simple.jpg

Main file

$regfile = "m32def.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
$baud = 57600

$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 48
$framesize = 64

Const False = 0 : Const True = 1

'##      R O T A R Y   E N C O D E R                                          ##
Encoder_a Alias Pinb.1
Encoder_switch Alias Pind.6
Portb.1 = True                                              ' pullup encoder a,
Portb.2 = True                                              ' encoder b,
Portd.6 = True                                              ' and encoder switch
Config Int2 = Falling                                       ' encoder b is the interrupt source
On Int2 Encoder_isr
Enable Int2
Dim Encoder_switch_old As Bit
Dim Encoder_turn_left As Byte , Encoder_turn_right As Byte

'##      T I M E R                                                            ##
Const Ticker_hwtimer = 0                                    ' Choose which hardware timer to use
Const Ticker_frequency = 1000                               ' set the timer resolution
Const Tickers = 1                                           ' # of software timers to use
$include "inc\tickers.bas"
Const Timer_readswitches = 1

'##      L C D                                                                ##
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.4 , Db5 = Portc.5 , Db6 = Portc.6 , Db7 = Portc.7 , E = Portc.2 , Rs = Portc.3

'##      L C D   M E N U                                                      ##
Macro Menu_include_data
   ' include the data file created with the menu designer
   $include "menu_data_simple.bas"
End Macro
$include "inc\menu.bas"

'##      V A R I A B L E S                                                    ##
Dim Tempbyte As Byte

'##      I N I T                                                              ##
Encoder_switch_old = Encoder_switch

Ticker_time(timer_readswitches) = 20                        ' 20 ms debounce
Ticker_enabled(timer_readswitches) = True


Enable Interrupts
Gosub Draw_homescreen

'##      M A I N   L O O P                                                    ##
   ' one function to rule them all

   Select Case Ticker_get_interrupt()
   Case Timer_readswitches:
      ' encoder switch pressed?
      If Encoder_switch = True And Encoder_switch_old = False Then
         Tempbyte = Menu_enter()
         Select Case Tempbyte
         Case Menu_exit:                                    ' menu closed
            Gosub Draw_homescreen

         End Select
      End If
      Encoder_switch_old = Encoder_switch

      ' encoder turns left
      If 0 < Encoder_turn_left Then
         Decr Encoder_turn_left
      End If

      ' encoder turns right
      If 0 < Encoder_turn_right Then
         Decr Encoder_turn_right
      End If
   End Select

'##      S U B R O U T I N E S                                                ##
   Cursor Off
   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd "  LCD MENU 1.1"
   Locate 2 , 1
   Lcd "    Sample 1"

   ' to use with a rotary encoder
   If Encoder_a = False Then
      Incr Encoder_turn_right
      Incr Encoder_turn_left
   End If

Menu data include file


Const Lcd_width = 16
Const Lcd_bar_style = 1
Const Lcd_bit_display_off = "Off"
Const Lcd_bit_display_on = "On"

Const Menu_entries_count = 9
Const Menu_default_entry = 1

Const Menu_values_use = True
Const Menu_values_edit_use = False
Const Menu_values_count = 1
Const Menu_value_bit_count = 0
Const Menu_value_byte_count = 0
Const Menu_value_word_count = 0
Const Menu_value_integer_count = 0
Const Menu_value_dword_count = 0
Const Menu_value_long_count = 0
Const Menu_value_single_count = 0
Const Menu_value_double_count = 0
Const Menu_value_string_count = 1

Goto Menu_data_jumpover

   ' Type, Text ID, Before, Next, Child
   Data Menu_link , 0 , 7 , 2 , 4                           ' 1, Submenu
   Data Menu_value , 5 , 1 , 3 , 1                          ' 2, Another Entry
   Data Menu_link , 6 , 2 , 7 , 3                           ' 3, 3rd Entry
   Data Menu_link , 1 , 6 , 5 , 2                           ' 4, Sub-Entry 1
   Data Menu_link , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8                           ' 5, Submenu 2
   Data Menu_link , 4 , 5 , 4 , 1                           ' 6, {127} Back
   Data Menu_exit , 7 , 3 , 1 , 0                           ' 7, {127} Exit
   Data Menu_link , 3 , 9 , 9 , 4                           ' 8, Entry
   Data Menu_link , 4 , 8 , 8 , 5                           ' 9, {127} Back

   Data "Submenu"                                           ' 0
   Data "Sub-Entry 1"                                       ' 1
   Data "Submenu 2"                                         ' 2
   Data "Entry"                                             ' 3
   Data "{127} Back"                                        ' 4
   Data "Another Entry"                                     ' 5
   Data "3rd Entry"                                         ' 6
   Data "{127} Exit"                                        ' 7

   ' Type, Value Child, Step/ReadOnly (if 0), Min, Max, [Init value]
   Data Menu_value_string , 1 , 0                           ' 1, Another Entry

Macro Menu_varpointers
   Menu_value_varpointer(1) = Varptr(test_string)           ' Another Entry, entry: 2, value: 1
End Macro

   ' Table of characters used in string editing
   Data 254                                                 ' start of table, needed


   ' special characters with function, these are needed
   Data Menu_character_backspace                            ' backspace
   Data Menu_character_finish                               ' finish string editing
   Data 254                                                 ' end of table

