Simple LCD Menu Main Page

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This is a menu system for standard alphanumerical LC-displays.

To navigate through the menu, only 3 buttons are needed: Forward, Backward and Menu/Enter (or a rotary encoder with push button).

You can make multiple nested sub-menus, hidden menus (not supported by the designer yet), function calls and display or edit different value types (Bit, Byte, Word, Integer, Single, String).

The menu structure and associated data is stored in arrays at runtime, the structure is made by connecting the right entries together (with their array indexes).

Numerical values are displayed both as value and as a bargraph showing the current position in the specified range.

Bit values can be set to On/Off (or another custom text), numerical values will be increased/decreased by the specified step size and string values can be edited using a custom set of characters (and two special characters for backspace/enter). Read-Only values just show the content of a variable.

To save program space, just the pieces of code you use are compiled. You get the smallest size if you just use Links and Function Calls, it will increase if you use values (read-only, editable or both) and for each data type used.

How to use it


Include the menu structure created with the designer and the menu functions:

Macro Menu_include_data
   $include "inc\menu_data.bas"
End Macro
$include "inc\menu.bas"

Dimension used Variables

Between the function include and the initialisation you have to dimension the variables used to display or edit in the menu:

Dim Test_bit As Byte
Dim Test_byte As Byte
Dim Test_word As Word
Dim Test_integer As Integer
Dim Test_dword As Dword
Dim Test_long As Long
Dim Test_single As Single
Dim Test_double As Double
Dim Test_string As String * Menu_value_string_width

Bit data types have to be defined as a byte. Note that a constant was created containing the maximum string size.



Main Loop

   If Switch_minus = 1 Then Menu_backward()            ' back button pressed
   If Switch_plus = 1 Then Menu_forward()              ' forward button pressed
   If Switch_enter = 1 Then                            ' enter button pressed
      Select Case Menu_enter()
      Case Menu_exit:                                  ' Exit entry selected
      Case 2-255:                                      ' Function call
      End Select
   End If
   Menu                                                ' Main function

Interface description

Const Menu_default_entry

ID of the default entry

Const Menu_value_string_width

size for strings used to display

Macro Menu_init

loads the menu data

Declare Sub Menu()

Main function, called in Main Loop

Declare Sub Menu_forward()

Goes one step forward in the menu or while in edit mode, bit values are set to true, numerical values are increased by the step size and for strings, the following character in the table will be selected.

Declare Sub Menu_backward()

Goes one step backward in the menu or while in edit mode, bit values are set to false, numerical values are decreased by the step size and for strings, the preceeding character in the table will be selected.

Declare Function Menu_enter() As Byte

Shows the menu if inactive, follows a link, enters/exits the edit mode, adds a character in string edit mode or selects a function

Declare Sub Menu_show(byval Entry_id As Byte)

Displays the menu with the provided entry id, if 0, the default entry is selected

Declare Sub Menu_hide()

hides the menu

LCD Menu Designer

Global Settings

Global menu settings

When the first entry in the menu tree is selected, the global settings are visible. Here you can select the LCD character width, the visual style for the bargraph, edit the character table used in string edit mode and choose the texts to display for bit values (Default is On/Off, you can set it for example to Yes/No or High/Low etc.).


Entry is a link, select the target

With links you can jump to another entry in the menu, just select it in the right menu tree. Submenu- and Back entries are also links, but the target is created automatically.


Value settings

Select the variable type (all Bascom types are supported) and choose if the value should be editable or read-only. In the "Associated variable" field enter the Variable name you declared in your code. Then set the range of the value (lowest and highest possible value). If the value is editable, you further have to set its initial value (will be set in Menu_init) and, if its a numerical value, the step size (positive, > 0).


Function ID select

Select a function ID between 2 and 255. When this entry is selected, the menu hides and the Menu()-function returns the ID.

Tool: Character Table

Tool: interactive LCD character table

With this little tool it is easy to get the corresponding code for characters supported by alphanumerical LCDs. Click on the desired character, the calculated code, formatted ready to use in Bascom strings, appears in the text field below.


Sample 1: Small menu

LCD Menu Sample 1

Small Sample

Menu structure

Menu structure simple.jpg

Menu data include file


Const Lcd_width = 16
Const Lcd_bar_style = 1
Const Lcd_bit_display_off = "Off"
Const Lcd_bit_display_on = "On"

Const Menu_entries_count = 9
Const Menu_default_entry = 1

Const Menu_values_use = True
Const Menu_values_edit_use = False
Const Menu_values_count = 1
Const Menu_value_bit_count = 0
Const Menu_value_byte_count = 0
Const Menu_value_word_count = 0
Const Menu_value_integer_count = 0
Const Menu_value_dword_count = 0
Const Menu_value_long_count = 0
Const Menu_value_single_count = 0
Const Menu_value_double_count = 0
Const Menu_value_string_count = 1

Goto Menu_data_jumpover

   ' Type, Text ID, Before, Next, Child
   Data Menu_link , 0 , 7 , 2 , 4                           ' 1, Submenu
   Data Menu_value , 5 , 1 , 3 , 1                          ' 2, Another Entry
   Data Menu_link , 6 , 2 , 7 , 3                           ' 3, 3rd Entry
   Data Menu_link , 1 , 6 , 5 , 2                           ' 4, Sub-Entry 1
   Data Menu_link , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8                           ' 5, Submenu 2
   Data Menu_link , 4 , 5 , 4 , 1                           ' 6, {127} Back
   Data Menu_exit , 7 , 3 , 1 , 0                           ' 7, {127} Exit
   Data Menu_link , 3 , 9 , 9 , 4                           ' 8, Entry
   Data Menu_link , 4 , 8 , 8 , 5                           ' 9, {127} Back

   Data "Submenu"                                           ' 0
   Data "Sub-Entry 1"                                       ' 1
   Data "Submenu 2"                                         ' 2
   Data "Entry"                                             ' 3
   Data "{127} Back"                                        ' 4
   Data "Another Entry"                                     ' 5
   Data "3rd Entry"                                         ' 6
   Data "{127} Exit"                                        ' 7

   ' Type, Value Child, Step/ReadOnly (if 0), Min, Max, [Init value]
   Data Menu_value_string , 1 , 0                           ' 1, Another Entry

Macro Menu_varpointers
   Menu_value_varpointer(1) = Varptr(test_string)           ' Another Entry, entry: 2, value: 1
End Macro

   ' Table of characters used in string editing
   Data 254                                                 ' start of table, needed


   ' special characters with function, these are needed
   Data Menu_character_backspace                            ' backspace
   Data Menu_character_finish                               ' finish string editing
   Data 254                                                 ' end of table



Main file

Full Sample

This sample shows all functions of the menu. It also uses the software timer library, but that's not necessary for the menu.

Menu structure

Menu structure full.jpg

Main file

$regfile = "m32def.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
$baud = 57600

$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 48
$framesize = 64

Const False = 0 : Const True = 1

'##      R O T A R Y   E N C O D E R                                          ##
Encoder_a Alias Pinb.1
Encoder_switch Alias Pind.6
Portb.1 = True                                              ' pullup encoder a,
Portb.2 = True                                              ' encoder b,
Portd.6 = True                                              ' and encoder switch
Config Int2 = Falling                                       ' encoder b is the interrupt source
On Int2 Encoder_isr
Enable Int2
Dim Encoder_switch_old As Bit
Dim Encoder_turn_left As Byte , Encoder_turn_right As Byte

'##      T I M E R                                                            ##
Const Ticker_hwtimer = 0                                    ' Choose which hardware timer to use
Const Ticker_frequency = 1000                               ' set the timer resolution
Const Tickers = 2                                           ' # of software timers to use
$include "inc\tickers.bas"
Const Timer_readswitches = 1
Const Timer_valueupdate = 2

'##      L C D                                                                ##
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.4 , Db5 = Portc.5 , Db6 = Portc.6 , Db7 = Portc.7 , E = Portc.2 , Rs = Portc.3

'##      L C D   M E N U                                                      ##
Macro Menu_include_data
   ' include the data file created with the menu designer
   $include "inc\menu_data_all.bas"
End Macro
$include "inc\menu.bas"

'##      V A R I A B L E S                                                    ##
' Declare the variables associated with the menu values
Dim Test_bit As Byte                                        ' bit values have to be declared as byte
Dim Test_byte As Byte
Dim Test_byte_counting As Byte
Dim Test_word As Word
Dim Test_integer As Integer
Dim Test_dword As Dword
Dim Test_long As Long
Dim Test_single As Single
Dim Test_double As Double
Dim Test_string As String * Menu_value_string_width         ' max string length is stored in a constant

Dim Tempbyte As Byte

'##      I N I T                                                              ##
Encoder_switch_old = Encoder_switch

Ticker_time(timer_readswitches) = 20
Ticker_enabled(timer_readswitches) = True
Ticker_time(timer_valueupdate) = 500
Ticker_enabled(timer_valueupdate) = True


Enable Interrupts
Gosub Draw_homescreen

'##      M A I N   L O O P                                                    ##
   ' one function to rule them all

   Select Case Ticker_get_interrupt()
   Case Timer_readswitches:
      ' encoder switch pressed?
      If Encoder_switch = True And Encoder_switch_old = False Then
         Tempbyte = Menu_enter()
         Select Case Tempbyte
         Case Menu_exit:                                    ' menu closed
            Gosub Draw_homescreen

         Case 2:
            ' function 2 execute
            Cls                                             ' show something on the LCD
            Locate 1 , 2
            Lcd "Function call"
            Locate 2 , 2
            Lcd "demonstration"
            Wait 2
            Test_string = "Executed"                        ' assign the byte variable with a value
            Menu_show 24                                    ' and display it throuth the read-only byte menu entry
         End Select
      End If

      ' encoder turns left
      If 0 < Encoder_turn_left Then
         Decr Encoder_turn_left
      End If

      ' encoder turns right
      If 0 < Encoder_turn_right Then
         Decr Encoder_turn_right
      End If
      Encoder_switch_old = Encoder_switch

   Case Timer_valueupdate
      ' force the read-only value currently displayed to update

      Incr Test_byte_counting                               ' changing value to demonstrate read-only values
      If Test_byte_counting = 101 Then Test_byte_counting = 0

   End Select

'##      S U B R O U T I N E S                                                ##
   Cursor Off
   Locate 1 , 1
   Lcd "  LCD MENU 1.1"
   Locate 2 , 1
   Lcd "    Sample 2"

   ' to use with a rotary encoder
   If Encoder_a = False Then
      Incr Encoder_turn_right
      Incr Encoder_turn_left
   End If

Menu data include file


Const Lcd_width = 16
Const Lcd_bar_style = 1
Const Lcd_bit_display_off = "Off"
Const Lcd_bit_display_on = "On"

Const Menu_entries_count = 25
Const Menu_default_entry = 1

Const Menu_values_use = True
Const Menu_values_edit_use = True
Const Menu_values_count = 18
Const Menu_value_bit_count = 2
Const Menu_value_byte_count = 2
Const Menu_value_word_count = 2
Const Menu_value_integer_count = 2
Const Menu_value_dword_count = 2
Const Menu_value_long_count = 2
Const Menu_value_single_count = 2
Const Menu_value_double_count = 2
Const Menu_value_string_count = 2

Goto Menu_data_jumpover

   ' Type, Text ID, Before, Next, Child
   Data Menu_link , 0 , 5 , 2 , 24                          ' 1, Link
   Data Menu_link , 1 , 1 , 3 , 6                           ' 2, Editable
   Data Menu_link , 12 , 2 , 4 , 16                         ' 3, Read Only
   Data Menu_function , 13 , 3 , 5 , 2                      ' 4, Function
   Data Menu_exit , 14 , 4 , 1 , 0                          ' 5, {127} Exit
   Data Menu_value , 2 , 15 , 7 , 1                         ' 6, Bit
   Data Menu_value , 3 , 6 , 8 , 2                          ' 7, Byte
   Data Menu_value , 4 , 7 , 9 , 3                          ' 8, Word
   Data Menu_value , 5 , 8 , 10 , 4                         ' 9, Integer
   Data Menu_value , 6 , 9 , 11 , 5                         ' 10, DWord
   Data Menu_value , 7 , 10 , 12 , 6                        ' 11, Long
   Data Menu_value , 8 , 11 , 13 , 7                        ' 12, Single
   Data Menu_value , 9 , 12 , 14 , 8                        ' 13, Double
   Data Menu_value , 10 , 13 , 15 , 9                       ' 14, String
   Data Menu_link , 11 , 14 , 6 , 2                         ' 15, {127} Back
   Data Menu_value , 2 , 25 , 17 , 10                       ' 16, Bit, read only
   Data Menu_value , 3 , 16 , 18 , 11                       ' 17, Byte, read only
   Data Menu_value , 4 , 17 , 19 , 12                       ' 18, Word, read only
   Data Menu_value , 5 , 18 , 20 , 13                       ' 19, Integer, read only
   Data Menu_value , 6 , 19 , 21 , 14                       ' 20, DWord, read only
   Data Menu_value , 7 , 20 , 22 , 15                       ' 21, Long, read only
   Data Menu_value , 8 , 21 , 23 , 16                       ' 22, Single, read only
   Data Menu_value , 9 , 22 , 24 , 17                       ' 23, Double, read only
   Data Menu_value , 10 , 23 , 25 , 18                      ' 24, String, read only
   Data Menu_link , 11 , 24 , 16 , 3                        ' 25, {127} Back

   Data "Link"                                              ' 0
   Data "Editable"                                          ' 1
   Data "Bit"                                               ' 2
   Data "Byte"                                              ' 3
   Data "Word"                                              ' 4
   Data "Integer"                                           ' 5
   Data "DWord"                                             ' 6
   Data "Long"                                              ' 7
   Data "Single"                                            ' 8
   Data "Double"                                            ' 9
   Data "String"                                            ' 10
   Data "{127} Back"                                        ' 11
   Data "Read Only"                                         ' 12
   Data "Function"                                          ' 13
   Data "{127} Exit"                                        ' 14

   ' Type, Value Child, Step/ReadOnly (if 0), Min, Max, [Init value]
   Data Menu_value_bit , 1 , 1 , False                      ' 1, Bit
   Data Menu_value_byte , 1 , 2 , 0 , 100 , 50              ' 2, Byte
   Data Menu_value_word , 1 , 64% , 0% , 1024% , 0%         ' 3, Word
   Data Menu_value_integer , 1 , 1% , -5% , 5% , 0%         ' 4, Integer
   Data Menu_value_dword , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0       ' 5, DWord
   Data Menu_value_long , 1 , 1& , 0& , 10& , 0&            ' 6, Long
   Data Menu_value_single , 1 , 0.25! , -2.5! , 2.5! , 0!   ' 7, Single
   Data Menu_value_double , 1 , 3.14159# , -31.4159# , 31.4159# , 0#       ' 8, Double
   Data Menu_value_string , 1 , 1 , "Hello World"           ' 9, String
   Data Menu_value_bit , 2 , 0                              ' 10, Bit, read only
   Data Menu_value_byte , 2 , 0 , 0 , 100                   ' 11, Byte, read only
   Data Menu_value_word , 2 , 0% , 0% , 1024%               ' 12, Word, read only
   Data Menu_value_integer , 2 , 0% , -5% , 5%              ' 13, Integer, read only
   Data Menu_value_dword , 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 0       ' 14, DWord, read only
   Data Menu_value_long , 2 , 0& , 0& , 10&                 ' 15, Long, read only
   Data Menu_value_single , 2 , 0! , -2.5! , 2.5!           ' 16, Single, read only
   Data Menu_value_double , 2 , 0# , -31.4159# , 31.4159#   ' 17, Double, read only
   Data Menu_value_string , 2 , 0                           ' 18, String, read only

Macro Menu_varpointers
   Menu_value_varpointer(1) = Varptr(test_bit)              ' Bit, entry: 6, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(2) = Varptr(test_byte)             ' Byte, entry: 7, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(3) = Varptr(test_word)             ' Word, entry: 8, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(4) = Varptr(test_integer)          ' Integer, entry: 9, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(5) = Varptr(test_dword)            ' DWord, entry: 10, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(6) = Varptr(test_long)             ' Long, entry: 11, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(7) = Varptr(test_single)           ' Single, entry: 12, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(8) = Varptr(test_double)           ' Double, entry: 13, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(9) = Varptr(test_string)           ' String, entry: 14, value: 1
   Menu_value_varpointer(10) = Varptr(test_bit)             ' Bit, entry: 16, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(11) = Varptr(test_byte)            ' Byte, entry: 17, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(12) = Varptr(test_word)            ' Word, entry: 18, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(13) = Varptr(test_integer)         ' Integer, entry: 19, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(14) = Varptr(test_dword)           ' DWord, entry: 20, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(15) = Varptr(test_long)            ' Long, entry: 21, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(16) = Varptr(test_single)          ' Single, entry: 22, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(17) = Varptr(test_double)          ' Double, entry: 23, value: 2
   Menu_value_varpointer(18) = Varptr(test_string)          ' String, entry: 24, value: 2
End Macro

   ' Table of characters used in string editing
   Data 254                                                 ' start of table, needed


   ' special characters with function, these are needed
   Data Menu_character_backspace                            ' backspace
   Data Menu_character_finish                               ' finish string editing
   Data 254                                                 ' end of table


